By Kristin Stephens, MS, NTP
This week we’re continuing our conversation about the benefits of the Pure Reset Diet. We have already discussed Better Energy, Healthier Sleep Patterns, Increased Cognitive Ability, and Reduction in Pain and Chronic Inflammation. The list of benefits is pretty impressive so far; now let’s talk about digestive issues.
Benefit #5: Elimination of Digestive Issues
Digestive issues are often ignored, or they are seen as normal. It actually isn’t normal to be bloated or have chronic acid reflux. Same with diarrhea, and constipation. Although these conditions may be common, they certainly aren’t normal, and can easily be remedied through Pure Foods like vegetables, good fats, and sources of protein.
Many conventional foods and ingredients, such as wheat, corn, soy, and refined sugars, are irritating to your digestive system and can cause constipation or diarrhea, depending on your personal constitution. By cutting out these inflammatory foods, your body will correct these issues and your digestive system will return to functioning as it’s supposed to. The process can take some time, but it is well worth it when you start to feel a whole lot better.
I challenge you to reset yourself and return to healthy and comfortable digestion.
To schedule a Free 20 Minute Phone Consultation about how the Pure Reset Diet can help you reach your wellness goals, contact Pure Nutrition + Wellness at [email protected], or call us at 844-787-3935, Ext. 1. We look forward to hearing from you!
Be Well,
Donna Stephens, BCN, CNHP, LDHS
Kristin Stephens, MS, NTP