Fresh strawberries are by far one of my favorite fruits! They are absolutely delicious and incredibly nutrient-dense. Rich in well-known nutrients like vitamin C and potassium, strawberries also contain lutein and ellagic acid, which help fight cancer, boost skin elasticity and promote eye health. They’re also low in sugar, which makes them a great snack option while on the Pure Reset Diet.
Strawberries are a yummy addition to a smoothie, great by themselves, or pureed with balsamic vinegar and olive oil for a salad dressing. Another way to enjoy fresh strawberries is in a light and summery salsa.
1 cup strawberries, chopped
2 tbsp red onion, chopped
1 tbsp lime juice
2 tbsp mint, chopped
Mix all ingredients together in a bowl. Refrigerate for 30 minutes or until ready to serve. Spoon over grilled chicken with a side of steamed kale.
Tell us how you enjoy our Fresh Strawberry Mint Salsa in the comments below.
As always, if you need help on your journey to wellness, please contact Pure Nutrition + Wellness at [email protected] or call us at 844-787-3935. We look forward to hearing from you!
Be Well,
Donna Stephens, BCN, CNHP, LDHS
Kristin Stephens, MS, NTP