If you haven’t tried green smoothies yet, you don’t know what you’re missing; do give this a try!!
Although I don’t recommend cleanses where you just drink smoothies or juices all day for a week, I still think they have their place in daily detoxing.
Packed with the phytonutrients, minerals and vitamins your body needs to keep its detox pathways clear, a smoothie can is a great addition to your daily routine.
Here’s one to get you started:
• 1 cup green tea
• 2 cups kale and romaine
• 1/2 avocado
• 2 stalks celery
• 2 medium carrots
• 1 tbsp fresh parsley
• 1 lemon, juiced
• 1/2 cup pineapple
Put ingredients in blender in the order listed. Blend on high for one minute and add a little extra water to thin out if desired.
Optional add-ins:
Fresh or ground ginger
Pinch of cinnamon
Dandelion root tea
What’s your favorite food to add to your smoothies? ~ Kristin Stephens, MS, NTP
As always, if you need help with your wellness journey, please contact Pure Nutrition & Wellness at [email protected], or call 844-787-3935.
Be Well,
Donna Stephens, BCN, CNHP, LDHS
Kristin Stephens, MS, NTP
#purenwelldailydetox #purenutrition #greensmoothies #eatwell #feelwell