Springtime Reflections…
Winter seems to have made its final appearance for the season over the past weekend and signs of Spring are appearing everywhere! Daffodils have bloomed, budding trees are ready to burst out in full array, and warmer temperatures are inviting us all to come outside and play.
As we continue the process of transitioning to our new practice software and making important updates here at Pure Nutrition + Wellness, I want to give you an update.
At this time, we are still limiting appointments to those clients who are currently in the process of an assessment, those in need of an assessment follow-up, NAET clients, and clients with special considerations or an emergency. If you are already on the schedule to see me, I look forward to seeing you as scheduled. We are also still filling orders and truly appreciate your continued support of our small business!
We are getting closer to sending out the invitation to log into your client portal! Once you receive your invitation, we encourage you to go into your portal and personalize it. This is where you will be able to access all information regarding your appointments, supplements, instructions, test results, and more in the future.
We will make an announcement about re-opening the schedule to new clients and to resuming a full schedule once we near that point. We’re excited about the new Pure Nutrition + Wellness experience that’s coming to you soon!
In the meantime, we are excited to announce that we now have CranioSacral Therapy available here at The Pure Center, and our massage therapist currently has a few openings in her schedule now, too! Scroll down for more information.
Be Well,
Donna Stephens, BCN, CNHP, FMP
Pure Nutrition + Wellness LLC
[email protected]

Has life got you feeling more stressed than usual lately? Don’t forget that we have massage available here at The Pure Center! Our fabulous massage therapist, Christina, has a few openings in her schedule now so take advantage of the opportunity to schedule some self-care time for yourself. You’ll be SO glad you did!! Go to https://pure-bodyworks.com/appointment/ to request an appointment.

CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle method of detecting and correcting imbalances in the CranioSacral system of the body, allowing the body to heal and function at an optimal level.
CranioSacral Therapy helps with: Motor-Coordination Impairment; Hormone Balance: Chronic Fatigue: Learning Disabilities; Migraine Headaches; Autistic Spectrum Behaviors; Chronic Neck and Back Pain; Traumatic Brain and Spinal Injuries; Colic, Scoliosis, Fibromyalgia; Post Traumatic Stress Disorder; and more. Call or email Mary to schedule your appointment!