From Pure Nutrition + Wellness

Be Well,
Donna Stephens, BCN, CNHP, LDHS
Vicki Kolbe, BCHHP, CNHP, DHP
From Pure Nutrition + Wellness
Be Well,
Donna Stephens, BCN, CNHP, LDHS
Vicki Kolbe, BCHHP, CNHP, DHP
We’re excited that springtime is here, and we’re going to be taking full advantage of Spring Break to get away and relax! We hope that you enjoy your Spring Break, as well. If you’re traveling, be safe. We look forward to seeing you again when we return to the office the week of April 22nd.
The Offices of Pure Nutrition + Wellness will be closed the week of April 15th – 19th.
To schedule an appointment with Donna prior to Spring Break, call 844-787-3935, Ext. 1 or email us at [email protected].
Orders received by 12:00 PM on Thursday, April 11th will be mailed out prior to our closing for Spring Break. Orders placed through our online store during the week of Spring Break will be filled when we return to the office on Monday, April 22nd.
Be Well,
Donna Stephens, BCN, CNHP, LDHS
Vicki Kolbe, BCHHP, CNHP, CSMC
Micro-circulation…due to the overwhelming response to our first talk, we’re doing another one!!
Could this be the missing link in your unresolved issues?
Come hear Donna speak on a how this new therapy has dramatically effected her health and how she is using it to support her recovery and healing process.
DATE: Saturday, March 9, 2019
TIME: 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM, followed by Q&A
LOCATION: Pure Nutrition + Wellness
7200 Heritage Village Plaza, Suite 102, Gainesville, VA 20155
Seats are limited…to RSVP, please email us at [email protected]; or call 844-787-3935, Ext. 1. Bring a friend and be eligible for a drawing for a free 50 minute massage. Let us know you’re coming; we look forward to seeing you there!
Pure Nutrition + Wellness LLC and Essential Calming Solutions LLC are partnering to bring you a free, timely and informative Introduction to Stress Management Seminar!
Date: Saturday, February 16, 2019
Time: 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Location: Gainesville Office
7200 Heritage Village Plaza, Suite102
Gainesville, VA 20155
RSVP: [email protected]
Are you experiencing signs and symptoms of stress? At our Introduction to Stress Management Seminar, you will identify your current level of stress, recognize how it’s affecting you, and learn how to begin to manage the stress in your life using proven tools and techniques, including:
Seating is limited, so please let us know that you plan to attend as soon as possible. Bring a friend, and be entered into a drawing to win a door prize!
We’re so excited about sharing this empowering information with you.
Be Well,
Donna Stephens, BCN, CNHP, LDHS & Vicki Kolbe, CNHP, CHS, CSMC
For the past 15 years I have been blessed with the most amazing health. After multiple health challenges in my 20’s, I turned to holistic medicine and began this amazing journey of recognizing my body’s natural ability to heal; and embracing a diet and lifestyle that supports the way our bodies were designed to live.
The remarkable results that I experienced further encouraged me to leave a career in clinical diagnostics and pursue an education as a holistic practitioner. Fast forward a few years and Pure Nutrition + Wellness was born.
This week, I have asked my Practice Assistant, Vicki, to share with our clients about something new on the horizon. I hope you’ll be inspired!
I first met Donna as one of her clients in early 2015. I was very sick and had been struggling with a number of serious health issues for some time. A good friend suggested that Donna might be able to help me, and actually called Donna for me.
Every once in awhile, we crave a perfect little treat. Who doesn’t, right?
So, when we found these delicious little Chai Spiced Energy Balls at Mind Body Green, we knew we had found something special! Yum!!
We hope you give them a try. Will these be your new favorite snack?
The weather is starting to warm up, and we are craving fresh, spring vegetables!
You might want to give this a try…either on your grill outside or a stovetop grill pan indoors!
Inspired by Paleo Fresh, this recipe for grilled artichokes is an adaptation of the recipe found here:
Nothing tastes more like Springtime than a luscious, lemon pound cake.
And when families and friends gather to celebrate special occasions, having fabulous recipes that allow us to indulge a little while maintaining our healthy approach to eating is an absolute necessity.
This recipe comes from Paleo Newbie, and you’re just going to love it for special occasions!!
This week, in continuing with our focus on colon health, we will briefly discuss food sensitivities. Often people confuse food sensitivities with food allergies or food intolerances. While all of these can cause unwanted symptoms, they actually effect the body in very different ways.
A true food allergy is a very specific type of immune-mediated response to a particular food. It is known as a Type 1 hypersensitivity, or an IgE-mediated hypersensitivity. Essentially, the individual’s immune system reacts adversely to the proteins in a food via a specific antibody pathway. This immune system activation results in the classic “allergy” symptoms: from the minor runny eyes, stuffy nose, and hives, all the way to a full anaphylaxis response that can be life-threatening. We all have a friend who can not go near peanuts, eggs, strawberries or some type of food because of the obvious and severe reactions that occur.